The Valet

Giving you the competitive edge

Who We Are

The Valet LLC was established in 2009 with the sole purpose of providing quality valet services, it has grown from strength to strength since. We are driven by our passion to deliver services which are highly professional, personalized, and reliable. We, at The Valet understand your business needs and provide services especially tailored to your requirement so you may achieve your goals. We combine operational effectiveness with latest technological solutions which works seamlessly with our adaptable work style. Our prime focus is to build long term relationship with our clients by providing them with first-rate valet solutions. We take pride in what we do and ensure that it reflects on each of our team members so we may serve you better.


To build successful partnerships by providing quality excellence and exceptional customer service.


To provide efficient valet solutions that strengthen your competitive position.


In our commitment to provide quality valet services, we have created a work culture of continuous improvement. Each team member, from the valet associates and supervisors to the managers are extensively trained to put in their finest effort. We understand the importance of a warm welcome and our associates ensure that all our guests receive an unforgettable hospitality experience. A culture of ownership mindset is engrained in us - highly valuing the trust our guests place on us and always delivering services with a smile.

Valet Parking Services

Car Park Management


The Valet LLC has established a portfolio with the most renowned and premium properties across Dubai.



If you are looking to make your special event go from ordinary to extraordinary, The Valet L.L.C is the valet service for you. Our courteous and professional associates will ensure the most exclusive treatment for each of your guests. From golf tournaments to charity galas, private parties to fundraisers, we want your guests to arrive and leave with a positive experience.

We work closely with clients and event planners to have a detailed understanding of each event to determine the best arrangements every time. The Valet L.L.C is your premier valet service when quality of service is your top priority.

Once the event is confirmed, we will
  • Assign a manager to help coordinate your event
  • Identify the venue specifics and parameters and conduct a site visit
  • Identify suitable parking area close to event venue
  • Provide a proof of insurance (if required)
For more information, contact us at

get in touch

A great first impression that makes you keep coming back for more. Need a quote?
For general questions regarding our services please use the form below:
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